Setting up python-semantic-release on Travis CI

This guide expects you to have activated the repository on Travis CI. If this is not the case, please refer to Travis documentation on how to do that.

1. Add python-semantic-release settings

See Configuration for details on how to configure Python Semantic Release. Make sure that at least you have set version_variables before continuing.

2. Add environment variables

You will need to set up an environment variable in Travis. An easy way to do that is to go to the settings page for your package and add it there. Make sure that the secret toggle is set correctly.

You need to set the GH_TOKEN environment variable with a personal access token for Github. It will need either repo or public_repo scope depending on whether the repository is private or public.

More information on how to set environment variables can be found on Travis documentation on environment variables.

3. Add travis configuration

The following should be added to your .travis.yml file.

- git config --global "semantic-release (via TravisCI)"
- git config --global "semantic-release@travis"
- pip install python-semantic-release
- semantic-release version && semantic-release publish

The first line tells Travis that we want to run the listed tasks after a successful build. The two first lines in after_success will configure git so that python-semantic-release will be able to commit on Travis. The third installs the latest version of python-semantic-release. The last will run the publish command, which will publish a new version if the changes indicate that one is due.

4. Push some changes

You are now ready to release automatically on Travis CI on every change to your master branch.

Happy coding!