Source code for semantic_release.cli.commands.version

from __future__ import annotations

import logging
import os
import subprocess
from contextlib import nullcontext
from datetime import datetime
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING

import click
import shellingham  # type: ignore[import]
from click_option_group import MutuallyExclusiveOptionGroup, optgroup
from git.exc import GitCommandError
from requests import HTTPError

from semantic_release.changelog import ReleaseHistory, environment, recursive_render
from semantic_release.changelog.context import make_changelog_context
from semantic_release.cli.common import (
from semantic_release.cli.github_actions_output import VersionGitHubActionsOutput
from semantic_release.cli.util import indented, noop_report, rprint
from semantic_release.const import DEFAULT_SHELL, DEFAULT_VERSION
from semantic_release.enums import LevelBump
from semantic_release.errors import UnexpectedResponse
from semantic_release.hvcs.remote_hvcs_base import RemoteHvcsBase
from semantic_release.version import Version, next_version, tags_and_versions

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

if TYPE_CHECKING:  # pragma: no cover
    from typing import ContextManager, Iterable, Mapping

    from git import Repo
    from git.refs.tag import Tag

    from semantic_release.cli.commands.cli_context import CliContextObj
    from semantic_release.version import VersionTranslator
    from semantic_release.version.declaration import VersionDeclarationABC

[docs]def is_forced_prerelease( as_prerelease: bool, forced_level_bump: LevelBump | None, prerelease: bool ) -> bool: """ Determine if this release is forced to have prerelease on/off. If ``force_prerelease`` is set then yes. Otherwise if we are forcing a specific level bump without force_prerelease, it's False. Otherwise (``force_level is None``) use the value of ``prerelease`` """ local_vars = list(locals().items()) log.debug( "%s: %s", is_forced_prerelease.__name__, ", ".join(f"{k} = {v}" for k, v in local_vars), ) return ( as_prerelease or forced_level_bump is LevelBump.PRERELEASE_REVISION or ((forced_level_bump is None) and prerelease) )
[docs]def last_released( repo: Repo, translator: VersionTranslator ) -> tuple[Tag, Version] | None: ts_and_vs = tags_and_versions(repo.tags, translator) return ts_and_vs[0] if ts_and_vs else None
[docs]def version_from_forced_level( repo: Repo, forced_level_bump: LevelBump, translator: VersionTranslator ) -> Version: ts_and_vs = tags_and_versions(repo.tags, translator) # If we have no tags, return the default version if not ts_and_vs: return Version.parse(DEFAULT_VERSION).bump(forced_level_bump) _, latest_version = ts_and_vs[0] if forced_level_bump is not LevelBump.PRERELEASE_REVISION: return latest_version.bump(forced_level_bump) # We need to find the latest version with the prerelease token # we're looking for, and return that version + an increment to # the prerelease revision. # NOTE this can probably be cleaned up. # ts_and_vs are in order, so check if we're looking at prereleases # for the same (major, minor, patch) as the latest version. # If we are, we can increment the revision and we're done. If # we don't find a prerelease targeting this version with the same # token as the one we're looking to prerelease, we can use revision 1. for _, version in ts_and_vs: if not ( version.major == latest_version.major and version.minor == latest_version.minor and version.patch == latest_version.patch ): break if ( version.is_prerelease and version.prerelease_token == translator.prerelease_token ): return version.bump(LevelBump.PRERELEASE_REVISION) return latest_version.to_prerelease(token=translator.prerelease_token, revision=1)
[docs]def apply_version_to_source_files( repo: Repo, version_declarations: Iterable[VersionDeclarationABC], version: Version, noop: bool = False, ) -> list[str]: working_dir = os.getcwd() if repo.working_dir is None else repo.working_dir paths = [ str(declaration.path.resolve().relative_to(working_dir)) for declaration in version_declarations ] if noop: noop_report( "would have updated versions in the following paths:" + "".join(f"\n {path}" for path in paths) ) else: log.debug("writing version %s to source paths %s", version, paths) for declaration in version_declarations: new_content = declaration.replace(new_version=version) declaration.path.write_text(new_content) return paths
[docs]def shell( cmd: str, *, env: Mapping[str, str] | None = None, check: bool = True ) -> subprocess.CompletedProcess: shell: str | None try: shell, _ = shellingham.detect_shell() except shellingham.ShellDetectionFailure: log.warning("failed to detect shell, using default shell: %s", DEFAULT_SHELL) log.debug("stack trace", exc_info=True) shell = DEFAULT_SHELL if not shell: raise TypeError("'shell' is None") return [shell, "-c" if shell != "cmd" else "/c", cmd], # noqa: S603 env=(env or {}), check=check, )
@click.command( short_help="Detect and apply a new version", context_settings={ "help_option_names": ["-h", "--help"], }, )"Print flags", cls=MutuallyExclusiveOptionGroup) @optgroup.option( "--print", "print_only", is_flag=True, help="Print the next version and exit" ) @optgroup.option( "--print-tag", "print_only_tag", is_flag=True, help="Print the next version tag and exit", ) @optgroup.option( "--print-last-released", is_flag=True, help="Print the last released version and exit", ) @optgroup.option( "--print-last-released-tag", is_flag=True, help="Print the last released version tag and exit", ) @click.option( "--as-prerelease", "as_prerelease", is_flag=True, help="Ensure the next version to be released is a prerelease version", ) @click.option( "--prerelease-token", "prerelease_token", default=None, help="Force the next version to use this prerelease token, if it is a prerelease", ) @click.option( "--major", "force_level", flag_value="major", help="Force the next version to be a major release", ) @click.option( "--minor", "force_level", flag_value="minor", help="Force the next version to be a minor release", ) @click.option( "--patch", "force_level", flag_value="patch", help="Force the next version to be a patch release", ) @click.option( "--prerelease", "force_level", flag_value="prerelease_revision", help="Force the next version to be a prerelease", ) @click.option( "--commit/--no-commit", "commit_changes", default=True, help="Whether or not to commit changes locally", ) @click.option( "--tag/--no-tag", "create_tag", default=True, help="Whether or not to create a tag for the new version", ) @click.option( "--changelog/--no-changelog", "update_changelog", default=True, help="Whether or not to update the changelog", ) @click.option( "--push/--no-push", "push_changes", default=True, help="Whether or not to push the new commit and tag to the remote", ) @click.option( "--vcs-release/--no-vcs-release", "make_vcs_release", default=True, help="Whether or not to create a release in the remote VCS, if supported", ) @click.option( "--build-metadata", "build_metadata", default=os.getenv("PSR_BUILD_METADATA"), help="Build metadata to append to the new version", ) @click.option( "--skip-build", "skip_build", default=False, is_flag=True, help="Skip building the current project", ) @click.pass_obj def version( # noqa: C901 cli_ctx: CliContextObj, print_only: bool = False, print_only_tag: bool = False, print_last_released: bool = False, print_last_released_tag: bool = False, as_prerelease: bool = False, prerelease_token: str | None = None, force_level: str | None = None, commit_changes: bool = True, create_tag: bool = True, update_changelog: bool = True, push_changes: bool = True, make_vcs_release: bool = True, build_metadata: str | None = None, skip_build: bool = False, ) -> str: """ Detect the semantically correct next version that should be applied to your project. By default: * Write this new version to the project metadata locations specified in the configuration file * Create a new commit with these locations and any other assets configured to be included in a release * Tag this commit according the configured format, with a tag that uniquely identifies the version being released. * Push the new tag and commit to the remote for the repository * Create a release (if supported) in the remote VCS for this tag """ ctx = click.get_current_context() runtime = cli_ctx.runtime_ctx repo = runtime.repo translator = runtime.version_translator # We can short circuit updating the release if we are only printing the last released version if print_last_released or print_last_released_tag: if last_release := last_released(repo, translator): if print_last_released: click.echo(last_release[1]) if print_last_released_tag: click.echo(last_release[0]) else: log.warning("No release tags found.") ctx.exit(0) parser = runtime.commit_parser forced_level_bump = None if not force_level else LevelBump.from_string(force_level) prerelease = is_forced_prerelease( as_prerelease=as_prerelease, forced_level_bump=forced_level_bump, prerelease=runtime.prerelease, ) hvcs_client = runtime.hvcs_client changelog_file = runtime.changelog_file changelog_excluded_commit_patterns = runtime.changelog_excluded_commit_patterns env = runtime.template_environment template_dir = runtime.template_dir assets = runtime.assets commit_author = runtime.commit_author commit_message = runtime.commit_message major_on_zero = runtime.major_on_zero build_command = runtime.build_command opts = runtime.global_cli_options gha_output = VersionGitHubActionsOutput() if prerelease_token:"Forcing use of %s as the prerelease token", prerelease_token) translator.prerelease_token = prerelease_token # Only push if we're committing changes if push_changes and not commit_changes and not create_tag:"changes will not be pushed because --no-commit disables pushing") push_changes &= commit_changes # Only push if we're creating a tag if push_changes and not create_tag and not commit_changes:"new tag will not be pushed because --no-tag disables pushing") push_changes &= create_tag # Only make a release if we're pushing the changes if make_vcs_release and not push_changes:"No vcs release will be created because pushing changes is disabled") make_vcs_release &= push_changes if forced_level_bump: log.warning( "Forcing a '%s' release due to '--%s' command-line flag", force_level, ( force_level if forced_level_bump is not LevelBump.PRERELEASE_REVISION else "prerelease" ), ) new_version = version_from_forced_level( repo=repo, forced_level_bump=forced_level_bump, translator=translator ) # We only turn the forced version into a prerelease if the user has specified # that that is what they want on the command-line; otherwise we assume they are # forcing a full release new_version = ( new_version.to_prerelease(token=translator.prerelease_token) if prerelease else new_version.finalize_version() ) else: new_version = next_version( repo=repo, translator=translator, commit_parser=parser, prerelease=prerelease, major_on_zero=major_on_zero, allow_zero_version=runtime.allow_zero_version, ) if build_metadata: new_version.build_metadata = build_metadata if as_prerelease: before_conversion, new_version = ( new_version, new_version.to_prerelease(token=translator.prerelease_token), ) "Converting %s to %s due to '--as-prerelease' command-line option", before_conversion, new_version, ) gha_output.released = False gha_output.version = new_version ctx.call_on_close(gha_output.write_if_possible) # Print the new version so that command-line output capture will work if print_only_tag: click.echo(translator.str_to_tag(str(new_version))) else: click.echo(str(new_version)) # If the new version has already been released, we fail and abort if strict; # otherwise we exit with 0. if new_version in {v for _, v in tags_and_versions(repo.tags, translator)}: if opts.strict: f"No release will be made, {new_version!s} has already been " "released!" ) else: rprint( f"[bold orange1]No release will be made, {new_version!s} has " "already been released!" ) ctx.exit(0) if print_only or print_only_tag: ctx.exit(0) rprint(f"[bold green]The next version is: [white]{new_version!s}[/white]! :rocket:") rh = ReleaseHistory.from_git_history( repo=repo, translator=translator, commit_parser=parser, exclude_commit_patterns=changelog_excluded_commit_patterns, ) commit_date = try: rh = rh.release( new_version, tagger=commit_author, committer=commit_author, tagged_date=commit_date, ) except ValueError as ve: all_paths_to_add: list[str] = [] if update_changelog: changelog_context = make_changelog_context( hvcs_client=hvcs_client, release_history=rh ) changelog_context.bind_to_environment(env) if template_dir.is_dir(): if opts.noop: noop_report( f"would have recursively rendered the template directory " f"{template_dir!r} relative to {repo.working_dir!r}. " "Paths which would be modified by this operation cannot be " "determined in no-op mode." ) else: all_paths_to_add.extend( recursive_render( template_dir, environment=env, _root_dir=repo.working_dir ) ) else: "Path %r not found, using default changelog template", template_dir ) if opts.noop: noop_report( "would have written your changelog to " + str(changelog_file.relative_to(repo.working_dir)) ) else: changelog_text = render_default_changelog_file(env) changelog_file.write_text(f"{changelog_text}\n", encoding="utf-8") all_paths_to_add.append(str(changelog_file.relative_to(repo.working_dir))) # Apply the new version to the source files files_with_new_version_written = apply_version_to_source_files( repo=repo, version_declarations=runtime.version_declarations, version=new_version, noop=opts.noop, ) all_paths_to_add.extend(files_with_new_version_written) all_paths_to_add.extend(assets or []) # Build distributions before committing any changes - this way if the # build fails, modifications to the source code won't be committed if skip_build: rprint("[bold orange1]Skipping build due to --skip-build flag") elif not build_command: rprint("[green]No build command specified, skipping") elif runtime.global_cli_options.noop: noop_report(f"would have run the build_command {build_command}") else: try:"Running build command %s", build_command) rprint( "[bold green]:hammer_and_wrench: Running build command: " + build_command ) shell( build_command, check=True, env=dict( filter( lambda k_v: k_v[1] is not None, # type: ignore { # Common values "PATH": os.getenv("PATH", ""), "HOME": os.getenv("HOME", None), "VIRTUAL_ENV": os.getenv("VIRTUAL_ENV", None), # affects build decisions "CI": os.getenv("CI", None), # Identifies which CI environment "GITHUB_ACTIONS": os.getenv("GITHUB_ACTIONS", None), "GITLAB_CI": os.getenv("GITLAB_CI", None), "GITEA_ACTIONS": os.getenv("GITEA_ACTIONS", None), "BITBUCKET_CI": ( str(True).lower() if os.getenv("BITBUCKET_REPO_FULL_NAME", None) else None ), "PSR_DOCKER_GITHUB_ACTION": os.getenv( "PSR_DOCKER_GITHUB_ACTION", None ), # User defined overrides of environment (from config) **runtime.build_command_env, # PSR injected environment variables "NEW_VERSION": str(new_version), }.items(), ) ), ) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as exc: # Commit changes if commit_changes and opts.noop: noop_report( indented( f""" would have run: git add {" ".join(all_paths_to_add)} """ ) ) elif commit_changes: # TODO: in future this loop should be 1 line: # repo.index.add(all_paths_to_add, force=False) # noqa: ERA001 # but since 'force' is deliberally ineffective (as in docstring) in gitpython 3.1.18 # we have to do manually add each filepath, and catch the exception if it is an ignored file for updated_path in all_paths_to_add: try: repo.git.add(updated_path) except GitCommandError: # noqa: PERF203 log.warning("Failed to add path (%s) to index", updated_path) def custom_git_environment() -> ContextManager[None]: """ git.custom_environment is a context manager but is not reentrant, so once we have "used" it we need to throw it away and re-create it in order to use it again """ return ( nullcontext() if not commit_author else repo.git.custom_environment(,,,, ) ) # If we haven't modified any source code then we skip trying to make a commit # and any tag that we apply will be to the HEAD commit (made outside of # running PSR if not repo.index.diff("HEAD"):"No local changes to add to any commit, skipping") elif commit_changes and opts.noop: command = ( f"""\ GIT_AUTHOR_NAME={} \\ GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL={} \\ GIT_COMMITTER_NAME={} \\ GIT_COMMITTER_EMAIL={} \\ """ if commit_author else "" ) # Indents the newlines so that terminal formatting is happy - note the # git commit line of the output is 24 spaces indented too # Only this message needs such special handling because of the newlines # that might be in a commit message between the subject and body indented_commit_message = commit_message.format(version=new_version).replace( "\n\n", "\n\n" + " " * 24 ) command += f"git commit -m '{indented_commit_message}'" noop_report( indented( f""" would have run: {command} """ ) ) elif commit_changes: with custom_git_environment(): repo.git.commit( m=commit_message.format(version=new_version), date=int(commit_date.timestamp()), ) # Run the tagging after potentially creating a new HEAD commit. # This way if no source code is modified, i.e. all metadata updates # are disabled, and the changelog generation is disabled or it's not # modified, then the HEAD commit will be tagged as a release commit # despite not being made by PSR if commit_changes or create_tag: if opts.noop: noop_report( indented( f""" would have run: git tag -a {new_version.as_tag()} -m "{new_version.as_tag()}" """ ) ) else: with custom_git_environment(): repo.git.tag("-a", new_version.as_tag(), m=new_version.as_tag()) if push_changes: remote_url = runtime.hvcs_client.remote_url( use_token=not runtime.ignore_token_for_push ) active_branch = if commit_changes and opts.noop: noop_report( indented( f""" would have run: git push {runtime.masker.mask(remote_url)} {active_branch} """ # noqa: E501 ) ) elif commit_changes: repo.git.push(remote_url, active_branch) if create_tag and opts.noop: noop_report( indented( f""" would have run: git push {runtime.masker.mask(remote_url)} tag {new_version.as_tag()} """ # noqa: E501 ) ) elif create_tag: # push specific tag refspec (that we made) to remote # --------------- # Resolves issue #803 where a tag that already existed was pushed and caused # a failure. Its not clear why there was an incorrect tag (likely user error change) # but we will avoid possibly pushing an separate tag that we didn't create. repo.git.push(remote_url, "tag", new_version.as_tag()) gha_output.released = True if make_vcs_release and isinstance(hvcs_client, RemoteHvcsBase): if opts.noop: noop_report( f"would have created a release for the tag {new_version.as_tag()!r}" ) release = rh.released[new_version] # Use a new, non-configurable environment for release notes - # not user-configurable at the moment release_note_environment = environment(template_dir=runtime.template_dir) changelog_context = make_changelog_context( hvcs_client=hvcs_client, release_history=rh ) changelog_context.bind_to_environment(release_note_environment) template = get_release_notes_template(template_dir) release_notes = render_release_notes( release_notes_template=template, template_environment=release_note_environment, version=new_version, release=release, ) if opts.noop: noop_report( "would have created the following release notes: \n" + release_notes ) noop_report(f"would have uploaded the following assets: {runtime.assets}") else: try: hvcs_client.create_release( tag=new_version.as_tag(), release_notes=release_notes, prerelease=new_version.is_prerelease, assets=assets, ) except HTTPError as err: log.exception(err)"\n", [str(err), "Failed to create release!"])) except UnexpectedResponse as err: log.exception(err) str.join( "\n", [ str(err), "Unexpected response from remote VCS!", "Before re-running, make sure to clean up any artifacts on the hvcs that may have already been created.", ], ) ) except Exception as e: log.exception(e) return str(new_version)