Source code for semantic_release.cli.masking_filter

from __future__ import annotations

import logging
import re
from collections import defaultdict
from typing import Iterable

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# Updated/adapted for Python3
[docs]class MaskingFilter(logging.Filter): REPLACE_STR = "*" * 4 _UNWANTED = frozenset([s for obj in ("", None) for s in (repr(obj), str(obj))]) def __init__( self, _use_named_masks: bool = False, **patterns: Iterable[str | re.Pattern[str]], ) -> None: super().__init__() self._redact_patterns = defaultdict(set) for k, vs in patterns.items(): self._redact_patterns[k] = {v for v in vs if v and v not in self._UNWANTED} self._use_named_masks = _use_named_masks
[docs] def add_mask_for(self, data: str, name: str = "redacted") -> MaskingFilter: if data and data not in self._UNWANTED: log.debug("Adding redact pattern %r to _redact_patterns", name) self._redact_patterns[name].add(data) return self
[docs] def filter(self, record: logging.LogRecord) -> bool: # Note if we blindly mask all types, we will actually cast arguments to # log functions from external libraries to strings before they are # formatted into the message - for example, a dependency calling # log.debug("%d", 15) will raise a TypeError as this filter would # otherwise convert 15 to "15", and "%d" % "15" raises the error. # One may find a specific example of where this issue could manifest itself # here: # Anything which could reasonably be expected to be logged without being # cast to a string should be excluded from the cast here. record.msg = self.mask(record.msg) if record.args is None: pass elif isinstance(record.args, dict): record.args = { k: v if type(v) in (bool, int, float) else self.mask(str(v)) for k, v in record.args.items() } else: record.args = tuple( arg if type(arg) in (bool, int, float) else self.mask(str(arg)) for arg in record.args ) return True
[docs] def mask(self, msg: str) -> str: if not isinstance(msg, str): log.debug( # type: ignore[unreachable] "cannot mask object of type %s", type(msg) ) return msg for mask, values in self._redact_patterns.items(): repl_string = ( self.REPLACE_STR if not self._use_named_masks else f"<{mask!r} (value removed)>" ) for data in values: if isinstance(data, str): msg = msg.replace(data, repl_string) elif isinstance(data, re.Pattern): msg = data.sub(repl_string, msg) return msg