Source code for semantic_release.helpers

import importlib
import logging
import re
import string
from functools import lru_cache, wraps
from pathlib import PurePosixPath
from typing import Any, Callable, NamedTuple, TypeVar
from urllib.parse import urlsplit

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def format_arg(value: Any) -> str: """Helper to format an argument an argument for logging""" if type(value) == str: return f"'{value.strip()}'" return str(value)
[docs]def check_tag_format(tag_format: str) -> None: if "version" not in (f[1] for f in string.Formatter().parse(tag_format)): raise ValueError( f"Invalid tag_format {tag_format!r}, must use 'version' as a format key" )
_R = TypeVar("_R") _FuncType = Callable[..., _R]
[docs]def logged_function(logger: logging.Logger) -> Callable[[_FuncType[_R]], _FuncType[_R]]: """ Decorator which adds debug logging of a function's input arguments and return value. The input arguments are logged before the function is called, and the return value is logged once it has completed. :param logger: Logger to send output to. """ def _logged_function(func: _FuncType[_R]) -> _FuncType[_R]: @wraps(func) def _wrapper(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> _R: logger.debug( "%s(%s, %s)", func.__name__, ", ".join([format_arg(x) for x in args]), ", ".join([f"{k}={format_arg(v)}" for k, v in kwargs.items()]), ) # Call function result = func(*args, **kwargs) # Log result logger.debug("%s -> %s", func.__qualname__, str(result)) return result return _wrapper return _logged_function
[docs]@logged_function(log) def dynamic_import(import_path: str) -> Any: """ Dynamically import an object from a conventionally formatted "module:attribute" string """ log.debug("Trying to import %s", import_path) module_name, attr = import_path.split(":", maxsplit=1) module = importlib.import_module(module_name) return getattr(module, attr)
[docs]class ParsedGitUrl(NamedTuple): """Container for the elements parsed from a git URL""" scheme: str netloc: str namespace: str repo_name: str
[docs]@lru_cache(maxsize=512) def parse_git_url(url: str) -> ParsedGitUrl: """ Attempt to parse a string as a git url http[s]://, git://, file://, or ssh format, into a ParsedGitUrl. supported examples: git://host.xz/path/to/repo.git/ git://host.xz:9418/path/to/repo.git/ <-- assumes ssh:// ssh:// <-- non-standard, but assume user 3759 ssh:// ssh:// git+ssh:// /Users/username/dev/remote/myproject.git <-- Posix File paths file:///Users/username/dev/remote/myproject.git C:/Users/username/dev/remote/myproject.git <-- Windows File paths file:///C:/Users/username/dev/remote/myproject.git REFERENCE: Raises ValueError if the url can't be parsed. """ log.debug("Parsing git url %r", url) # Normalizers are a list of tuples of (pattern, replacement) normalizers = [ # normalize implicit ssh urls to explicit ssh:// (r"^([\w._-]+@)", r"ssh://\1"), # normalize git+ssh:// urls to ssh:// (r"^git\+ssh://", "ssh://"), # normalize an scp like syntax to URL compatible syntax # excluding port definitions (:#####) & including numeric usernames (r"(ssh://(?:[\w._-]+@)?[\w.-]+):(?!\d{1,5}/\w+/)(.*)$", r"\1/\2"), # normalize implicit file (windows || posix) urls to explicit file:// urls (r"^([C-Z]:/)|^/(\w)", r"file:///\1\2"), ] for pattern, replacement in normalizers: url = re.compile(pattern).sub(replacement, url) # run the url through urlsplit to separate out the parts urllib_split = urlsplit(url) # Fail if url scheme not found if not urllib_split.scheme: raise ValueError(f"Cannot parse {url!r}") # We have been able to parse the url with urlsplit, # so it's a (file|git|ssh|https?)://... structure # but we aren't validating the protocol scheme as its not our business # use PosixPath to normalize the path & then separate out the namespace & repo_name namespace, _, name = ( str(PurePosixPath(urllib_split.path)).lstrip("/").rpartition("/") ) # strip out the .git at the end of the repo_name if present name = name[:-4] if name.endswith(".git") else name # check that we have all the required parts of the url required_parts = [ urllib_split.scheme, # Allow empty net location for file:// urls True if urllib_split.scheme == "file" else urllib_split.netloc, namespace, name, ] if not all(required_parts): raise ValueError(f"Bad url: {url!r}") return ParsedGitUrl( scheme=urllib_split.scheme, netloc=urllib_split.netloc, namespace=namespace, repo_name=name, )