Publish with cronjobsΒΆ

This is for you if for some reason you cannot publish from your CI or you would like releases to drop at a certain interval. Before you start, answer this: Are you sure you do not want a CI to release for you? (high version numbers are not a bad thing).

The guide below is for setting up scheduled publishing on a server. It requires that the user that runs the cronjob has push access to the repository and upload access to an artifact repository.

  1. Create a virtualenv:

    virtualenv semantic_release -p `which python3`
  2. Install python-semantic-release:

    pip install python-semantic-release

3. Clone the repositories you want to have scheduled publishing. 3. Put the following in publish:


$VENV/pip install -U pip python-semantic-release > /dev/null

publish() {
  cd $1
  git stash -u # ensures that there is no untracked files in the directory
  git fetch && git reset --hard origin/master
  $VENV/semantic-release version && $VENV/semantic-release publish
  cd ..

publish <package1>
publish <package2>
  1. Add cronjob:

    /bin/bash -c "cd <path> && source semantic_release/bin/activate && ./publish 2>&1 >> releases.log"