Strict Mode

Strict Mode is enabled by use of the strict parameter to the main command for Python Semantic Release. Strict Mode alters the behaviour of Python Semantic Release when certain conditions are encountered that prevent Python Semantic Release from performing an action. Typically, this will result in a warning becoming an error, or a different exit code (0 vs non-zero) being produced when Python Semantic Release exits early.

For example:


set -euo pipefail

git checkout $NOT_A_RELEASE_BRANCH

pip install \
   black \
   isort \
   twine \
   pytest \

isort .  # sort imports
black .  # format the code
pytest   # test the code
semantic-release --strict version  # ERROR - not a release branch
twine upload dist/*  # publish the code

Using Strict Mode with the --strict flag ensures this simple pipeline will fail while running semantic-release, as the non-zero exit code will cause it to stop when combined with the -e option.

Without Strict Mode, the semantic-release command will exit with code 0, causing the above pipeline to continue.

The specific effects of enabling Strict Mode are detailed below.

Non-Release Branches

When running in Strict Mode, invoking Python Semantic Release on a non-Release branch will cause an error with a non-zero exit code. This means that you can prevent an automated script from running further against branches you do not want to release from, for example in multibranch CI pipelines.

Running without Strict Mode will allow subsequent steps in the pipeline to also execute, but be aware that certain actions that Python Semantic Release may perform for you will likely not have been carried out, such as writing to files or creating a git commit in your repository.

Version Already Released/No Release To Be Made

When Strict Mode is not enabled and Python Semantic Release identifies that no release needs to be made, it will exit with code 0. You can cause Python Semantic Release to raise an error if no release needs to be made by enabling Strict Mode.