Source code for semantic_release.changelog.template

from __future__ import annotations

import logging
import os
import shutil
from pathlib import Path
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Callable, Iterable

from jinja2 import FileSystemLoader
from jinja2.sandbox import SandboxedEnvironment

from semantic_release.helpers import dynamic_import

    from typing import Literal

    from jinja2 import Environment

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# pylint: disable=too-many-arguments,too-many-locals
[docs]def environment( template_dir: Path | str = ".", block_start_string: str = "{%", block_end_string: str = "%}", variable_start_string: str = "{{", variable_end_string: str = "}}", comment_start_string: str = "{#", comment_end_string: str = "#}", line_statement_prefix: str | None = None, line_comment_prefix: str | None = None, trim_blocks: bool = False, lstrip_blocks: bool = False, newline_sequence: Literal["\n", "\r", "\r\n"] = "\n", keep_trailing_newline: bool = False, extensions: Iterable[str] = (), autoescape: bool | str = True, ) -> SandboxedEnvironment: """ Create a jinja2.sandbox.SandboxedEnvironment with certain parameter resrictions. For example the Loader is fixed to FileSystemLoader, although the searchpath is configurable. ``autoescape`` can be a string in which case it should follow the convention ``module:attr``, in this instance it will be dynamically imported. See for full parameter descriptions """ autoescape_value: bool | Callable[[str | None], bool] if isinstance(autoescape, str): autoescape_value = dynamic_import(autoescape) else: autoescape_value = autoescape log.debug("%s", locals()) return SandboxedEnvironment( block_start_string=block_start_string, block_end_string=block_end_string, variable_start_string=variable_start_string, variable_end_string=variable_end_string, comment_start_string=comment_start_string, comment_end_string=comment_end_string, line_statement_prefix=line_statement_prefix, line_comment_prefix=line_comment_prefix, trim_blocks=trim_blocks, lstrip_blocks=lstrip_blocks, newline_sequence=newline_sequence, keep_trailing_newline=keep_trailing_newline, extensions=extensions, autoescape=autoescape_value, loader=FileSystemLoader(template_dir, encoding="utf-8"), )
# pylint: disable=redefined-outer-name
[docs]def recursive_render( template_dir: Path, environment: Environment, _root_dir: str | os.PathLike[str] = ".", ) -> list[str]: rendered_paths: list[str] = [] for root, file in ( (Path(root), file) for root, _, files in os.walk(template_dir) for file in files # we slice[1:] to allow the top-level # template folder to have a dot prefix. # e.g. to permit ".github/psr-templates" to contain the templates, # rather than enforcing a top-level, non-hidden directory if not any( elem.startswith(".") for elem in Path(root).relative_to(template_dir).parts[1:] ) and not file.startswith(".") ): output_path = (_root_dir / root.relative_to(template_dir)).resolve()"Rendering templates from %s to %s", root, output_path) output_path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) if file.endswith(".j2"): # We know the file ends with .j2 by the filter in the for-loop output_filename = file[:-3] # Strip off the template directory from the front of the root path - # that's the output location relative to the repo root src_file_path = str((root / file).relative_to(template_dir)) output_file_path = str((output_path / output_filename).resolve()) log.debug("rendering %s to %s", src_file_path, output_file_path) stream = environment.get_template(src_file_path).stream() with open(output_file_path, "wb+") as output_file: stream.dump(output_file, encoding="utf-8") rendered_paths.append(output_file_path) else: src_file = str((root / file).resolve()) target_file = str((output_path / file).resolve()) log.debug( "source file %s is not a template, copying to %s", src_file, target_file ) shutil.copyfile(src_file, target_file) rendered_paths.append(target_file) return rendered_paths