Source code for semantic_release.commit_parser.emoji

"""Commit parser which looks for emojis to determine the type of commit"""

import logging
from typing import Tuple

from git.objects.commit import Commit
from pydantic.dataclasses import dataclass

from semantic_release.commit_parser._base import CommitParser, ParserOptions
from semantic_release.commit_parser.token import ParsedCommit, ParseResult
from semantic_release.commit_parser.util import parse_paragraphs
from semantic_release.enums import LevelBump

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]@dataclass class EmojiParserOptions(ParserOptions): major_tags: Tuple[str, ...] = (":boom:",) minor_tags: Tuple[str, ...] = ( ":sparkles:", ":children_crossing:", ":lipstick:", ":iphone:", ":egg:", ":chart_with_upwards_trend:", ) patch_tags: Tuple[str, ...] = ( ":ambulance:", ":lock:", ":bug:", ":zap:", ":goal_net:", ":alien:", ":wheelchair:", ":speech_balloon:", ":mag:", ":apple:", ":penguin:", ":checkered_flag:", ":robot:", ":green_apple:", ) default_bump_level: LevelBump = LevelBump.NO_RELEASE
[docs]class EmojiCommitParser(CommitParser[ParseResult, EmojiParserOptions]): """ Parse a commit using an emoji in the subject line. When multiple emojis are encountered, the one with the highest bump level is used. If there are multiple emojis on the same level, the we use the one listed earliest in the configuration. If the message does not contain any known emojis, then the level to bump will be 0 and the type of change "Other". This parser never raises UnknownCommitMessageStyleError. Emojis are not removed from the description, and will appear alongside the commit subject in the changelog. """ # TODO: Deprecate in lieu of get_default_options() parser_options = EmojiParserOptions
[docs] @staticmethod def get_default_options() -> EmojiParserOptions: return EmojiParserOptions()
[docs] def parse(self, commit: Commit) -> ParseResult: all_emojis = ( self.options.major_tags + self.options.minor_tags + self.options.patch_tags ) message = str(commit.message) subject = message.split("\n")[0] # Loop over emojis from most important to least important # Therefore, we find the highest level emoji first primary_emoji = "Other" for emoji in all_emojis: if emoji in subject: primary_emoji = emoji break logger.debug("Selected %s as the primary emoji", primary_emoji) # Find which level this commit was from level_bump = LevelBump.NO_RELEASE if primary_emoji in self.options.major_tags: level_bump = LevelBump.MAJOR elif primary_emoji in self.options.minor_tags: level_bump = LevelBump.MINOR elif primary_emoji in self.options.patch_tags: level_bump = LevelBump.PATCH # All emojis will remain part of the returned description descriptions = parse_paragraphs(message) return ParsedCommit( bump=level_bump, type=primary_emoji, scope="", descriptions=descriptions, breaking_descriptions=( descriptions[1:] if level_bump is LevelBump.MAJOR else [] ), commit=commit, )