Source code for semantic_release.hvcs.util

from __future__ import annotations

import logging
from functools import wraps
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Callable, TypeVar

from requests import HTTPError, Session
from requests.adapters import HTTPAdapter
from requests.packages.urllib3.util.retry import Retry  # type: ignore[import]

    from semantic_release.hvcs.token_auth import TokenAuth

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def build_requests_session( raise_for_status: bool = True, retry: bool | int | Retry = True, auth: TokenAuth | None = None, ) -> Session: """ Create a requests session. :param raise_for_status: If True, a hook to invoke raise_for_status be installed :param retry: If true, it will use default Retry configuration. if an integer, it will use default Retry configuration with given integer as total retry count. if Retry instance, it will use this instance. :param auth: Optional TokenAuth instance to be used to provide the Authorization header to the session :return: configured requests Session """ session = Session() if raise_for_status: session.hooks = {"response": [lambda r, *_, **__: r.raise_for_status()]} if retry: if isinstance(retry, bool): retry = Retry() elif isinstance(retry, int): retry = Retry(retry) elif not isinstance(retry, Retry): raise ValueError("retry should be a bool, int or Retry instance.") adapter = HTTPAdapter(max_retries=retry) session.mount("http://", adapter) session.mount("https://", adapter) if auth: logger.debug("setting up default session authentication") session.auth = auth return session
_R = TypeVar("_R")
[docs]def suppress_http_error_for_codes( *codes: int, ) -> Callable[[Callable[..., _R]], Callable[..., _R | None]]: """ For the codes given, return a decorator that will suppress HTTPErrors that are raised from responses that came with one of those status codes. The function will return False instead of raising the HTTPError """ def _suppress_http_error_for_codes( func: Callable[..., _R], ) -> Callable[..., _R | None]: @wraps(func) def _wrapper(*a: Any, **kw: Any) -> _R | None: try: return func(*a, **kw) except HTTPError as err: if err.response and err.response.status_code in codes: logger.warning( "%s received response %s: %s", func.__qualname__, err.response.status_code, str(err), ) return None return _wrapper return _suppress_http_error_for_codes
suppress_not_found = suppress_http_error_for_codes(404)