Source code for semantic_release.version.algorithm

from __future__ import annotations

import logging
from queue import Queue
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Iterable

from semantic_release.commit_parser import ParsedCommit
from semantic_release.const import DEFAULT_VERSION
from semantic_release.enums import LevelBump
from semantic_release.errors import InvalidVersion, MissingMergeBaseError
from semantic_release.version.version import Version

    from git.objects.blob import Blob
    from git.objects.commit import Commit
    from git.objects.tag import TagObject
    from git.objects.tree import Tree
    from git.refs.tag import Tag
    from git.repo.base import Repo

    from semantic_release.commit_parser import (
    from semantic_release.version.translator import VersionTranslator

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def tags_and_versions( tags: Iterable[Tag], translator: VersionTranslator ) -> list[tuple[Tag, Version]]: """ Return a list of 2-tuples, where each element is a tuple (tag, version) from the tags in the Git repo and their corresponding `Version` according to `Version.from_tag`. The returned list is sorted according to semver ordering rules. Tags which are not matched by `translator` are ignored. """ ts_and_vs: list[tuple[Tag, Version]] = [] for tag in tags: try: version = translator.from_tag( except (NotImplementedError, InvalidVersion) as e: log.warning( "Couldn't parse tag %s as as Version: %s",, str(e), exc_info=log.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG), ) continue if version: ts_and_vs.append((tag, version))"found %s previous tags", len(ts_and_vs)) return sorted(ts_and_vs, reverse=True, key=lambda v: v[1])
def _bfs_for_latest_version_in_history( merge_base: Commit | TagObject | Blob | Tree, full_release_tags_and_versions: list[tuple[Tag, Version]], ) -> Version | None: """ Run a breadth-first search through the given `merge_base`'s parents, looking for the most recent version corresponding to a commit in the `merge_base`'s parents' history. If no commits in the history correspond to a released version, return None """ tag_sha_2_version_lookup = { tag.commit.hexsha: version for tag, version in full_release_tags_and_versions } # Step 3. Latest full release version within the history of the current branch # Breadth-first search the merge-base and its parent commits for one which matches # the tag of the latest full release tag in history def bfs(start_commit: Commit | TagObject | Blob | Tree) -> Version | None: # Derived from Geeks for Geeks # # Create a queue for BFS q: Queue[Commit | TagObject | Blob | Tree] = Queue() # Create a set to store visited graph nodes (commit objects in this case) visited: set[Commit | TagObject | Blob | Tree] = set() # Add the source node in the queue & mark as visited to start the search q.put(start_commit) visited.add(start_commit) # Initialize the result to None result = None # Traverse the git history until it finds a version tag if one exists while not q.empty(): node = q.get() visited.add(node) log.debug("checking if commit %s matches any tags", node.hexsha) version = tag_sha_2_version_lookup.get(node.hexsha, None) if version is not None: "found latest version in branch history: %r (%s)", str(version), node.hexsha[:7], ) result = version break log.debug("commit %s doesn't match any tags", node.hexsha) # Add all parent commits to the queue if they haven't been visited for parent in node.parents: if parent in visited: log.debug("parent commit %s already visited", node.hexsha) continue log.debug("queuing parent commit %s", parent.hexsha) q.put(parent) return result # Run a Breadth First Search to find the latest version in the history latest_version = bfs(merge_base) if latest_version is not None:"the latest version in this branch's history is %s", latest_version) else:"no version tags found in this branch's history") return latest_version def _increment_version( latest_version: Version, latest_full_version: Version, latest_full_version_in_history: Version, level_bump: LevelBump, prerelease: bool, prerelease_token: str, major_on_zero: bool, allow_zero_version: bool, ) -> Version: """ Using the given versions, along with a given `level_bump`, increment to the next version according to whether or not this is a prerelease. `latest_version`, `latest_full_version` and `latest_full_version_in_history` can be the same, but aren't necessarily. `latest_version` is the most recent version released from this branch's history. `latest_full_version` is the most recent full release (i.e. not a prerelease) anywhere in the repository's history, including commits which aren't present on this branch. `latest_full_version_in_history`, correspondingly, is the latest full release which is in this branch's history. """ local_vars = list(locals().items()) log.debug("_increment_version: %s", ", ".join(f"{k} = {v}" for k, v in local_vars)) if latest_version.major == 0: if not allow_zero_version: # Set up default version to be 1.0.0 if currently 0.x.x which means a commented # breaking change is not required to bump to 1.0.0 log.debug( "Bumping major version as 0.x.x versions are disabled because of allow_zero_version=False" ) level_bump = LevelBump.MAJOR elif not major_on_zero: # if we are a 0.x.y release and have set `major_on_zero`, # breaking changes should increment the minor digit # Correspondingly, we reduce the level that we increment the # version by. log.debug( "reducing version increment due to 0. version and major_on_zero=False" ) level_bump = min(level_bump, LevelBump.MINOR) if prerelease: log.debug("prerelease=true") target_final_version = latest_full_version.finalize_version() diff_with_last_released_version = ( latest_version - latest_full_version_in_history ) log.debug( "diff between the latest version %s and the latest full release version %s " "is: %s", latest_version, latest_full_version_in_history, diff_with_last_released_version, ) # 6a i) if the level_bump > the level bump introduced by any prerelease tag # before e.g. 1.2.4-rc.3 -> 1.3.0-rc.1 if level_bump > diff_with_last_released_version: log.debug( "this release has a greater bump than any change since the last full " "release, %s", latest_full_version_in_history, ) return target_final_version.bump(level_bump).to_prerelease( token=prerelease_token ) # 6a ii) if level_bump <= the level bump introduced by prerelease tag log.debug( "there has already been at least a %s release since the last full " "release %s", level_bump, latest_full_version_in_history, ) log.debug("this release will increment the prerelease revision") return latest_version.to_prerelease( token=prerelease_token, revision=( 1 if latest_version.prerelease_token != prerelease_token else (latest_version.prerelease_revision or 0) + 1 ), ) # 6b. if not prerelease # NOTE: These can actually be condensed down to the single line # 6b. i) if there's been a prerelease if latest_version.is_prerelease: log.debug( "prerelease=false and the latest version %s is a prerelease", latest_version ) diff_with_last_released_version = ( latest_version - latest_full_version_in_history ) log.debug( "diff between the latest version %s and the latest full release version %s " "is: %s", latest_version, latest_full_version_in_history, diff_with_last_released_version, ) if level_bump > diff_with_last_released_version: log.debug( "this release has a greater bump than any change since the last full " "release, %s", latest_full_version_in_history, ) return latest_version.bump(level_bump).finalize_version() log.debug( "there has already been at least a %s release since the last full " "release %s", level_bump, latest_full_version_in_history, ) return latest_version.finalize_version() # 6b. ii) If there's been no prerelease log.debug( "prerelease=false and %s is not a prerelease; bumping with a %s release", latest_version, level_bump, ) return latest_version.bump(level_bump)
[docs]def next_version( repo: Repo, translator: VersionTranslator, commit_parser: CommitParser[ParseResult, ParserOptions], prerelease: bool = False, major_on_zero: bool = True, allow_zero_version: bool = True, ) -> Version: """ Evaluate the history within `repo`, and based on the tags and commits in the repo history, identify the next semantic version that should be applied to a release """ # Step 1. All tags, sorted descending by semver ordering rules all_git_tags_as_versions = tags_and_versions(repo.tags, translator) all_full_release_tags_and_versions = list( filter(lambda t_v: not t_v[1].is_prerelease, all_git_tags_as_versions) ) "Found %s full releases (excluding prereleases)", len(all_full_release_tags_and_versions), ) # Default initial version latest_full_release_tag, latest_full_release_version = next( iter(all_full_release_tags_and_versions), (None, translator.from_string(DEFAULT_VERSION)), ) # we can safely scan the extra commits on this # branch if it's never been released, but we have no other # guarantees that other branches exist # Note the merge_base might be on our current branch, it's not # necessarily the merge base of the current branch with `main` other_ref = ( repo.active_branch if latest_full_release_tag is None else ) # Conditional log message to inform what was chosen as the comparison point # to find the merge base of the current branch with the latest full release log_msg = ( str.join( ", ", [ "No full releases have been made yet", f"the default version to use is {latest_full_release_version}", ], ) if latest_full_release_tag is None else str.join( ", ", [ f"The last full release was {latest_full_release_version}", f"tagged as {latest_full_release_tag!r}", ], ) ) merge_bases = repo.merge_base(other_ref, repo.active_branch) if len(merge_bases) < 1: raise MissingMergeBaseError( f"Unable to find merge-base between {other_ref} and {}" ) if len(merge_bases) > 1: raise NotImplementedError( str.join( " ", [ "This branch has more than one merge-base with the", "latest version, which is not yet supported", ], ) ) merge_base = merge_bases[0] if merge_base is None: str_tag_name = ( "None" if latest_full_release_tag is None else ) raise ValueError( f"The merge_base found by merge_base({str_tag_name}, {repo.active_branch}) " "is None" ) latest_full_version_in_history = _bfs_for_latest_version_in_history( merge_base=merge_base, full_release_tags_and_versions=all_full_release_tags_and_versions, ) "The last full version in this branch's history was %s", latest_full_version_in_history, ) commits_since_last_full_release = ( repo.iter_commits() if latest_full_version_in_history is None else repo.iter_commits(f"{latest_full_version_in_history.as_tag()}...") ) # Step 4. Parse each commit since the last release and find any tags that have # been added since then. parsed_levels: set[LevelBump] = set() latest_version = latest_full_version_in_history or Version( 0, 0, 0, prerelease_token=translator.prerelease_token, tag_format=translator.tag_format, ) # We only include pre-releases here if doing a prerelease. # If it's not a prerelease, we need to include commits back # to the last full version in consideration for what kind of # bump to produce. However if we're doing a prerelease, we can # include prereleases here to potentially consider a smaller portion # of history (from a prerelease since the last full release, onwards) # Note that a side-effect of this is, if at some point the configuration # for a particular branch pattern changes w.r.t. prerelease=True/False, # the new kind of version will be produced from the commits already # included in a prerelease since the last full release on the branch tag_sha_2_version_lookup = { tag.commit.hexsha: (tag, version) for tag, version in all_git_tags_as_versions if prerelease or not version.is_prerelease } # N.B. these should be sorted so long as we iterate the commits in reverse order for commit in commits_since_last_full_release: parse_result = commit_parser.parse(commit) if isinstance(parse_result, ParsedCommit): log.debug( "adding %s to the levels identified in commits_since_last_full_release", parse_result.bump, ) parsed_levels.add(parse_result.bump) log.debug("checking if commit %s matches any tags", commit.hexsha) t_v = tag_sha_2_version_lookup.get(commit.hexsha, None) if t_v is None: # If we haven't found the latest prerelease on the branch, # keep the loop going to look for it log.debug("no tags correspond to commit %s", commit.hexsha) continue # Unpack the tuple tag, latest_version = t_v log.debug( "tag %r (%s) matches commit %s. the latest version is %s",, tag.commit.hexsha, commit.hexsha, latest_version, ) break log.debug( "parsed the following distinct levels from the commits since the last release: " "%s", parsed_levels, ) level_bump = max(parsed_levels, default=LevelBump.NO_RELEASE)"The type of the next release release is: %s", level_bump) if level_bump is LevelBump.NO_RELEASE: if latest_version.major != 0 or allow_zero_version:"No release will be made") return latest_version return _increment_version( latest_version=latest_version, latest_full_version=latest_full_release_version, latest_full_version_in_history=( latest_full_version_in_history or Version( 0, 0, 0, prerelease_token=translator.prerelease_token, tag_format=translator.tag_format, ) ), level_bump=level_bump, prerelease=prerelease, prerelease_token=translator.prerelease_token, major_on_zero=major_on_zero, allow_zero_version=allow_zero_version, )